Monday, November 30, 2009

Weekend with the Browns!

Finally getting the pictures uploaded from our weekend to Mass to visit the Browns. It was a great time. We went to a restaurant that was hosting a kids musical event. There were games, face painting, songs and ice cream. The kids had a great time together, so nice to hang out with good friends!

Friday, November 13, 2009

Quick Pix

Just a little video from Andrew and Griffin playing in the yard on Wednesday. Griffin loves to play CHASE! You can actually see him speed up to get away from Andrew. We are off to Massachusetts to visit friends this weekend. It has been a very busy week. Today Griffin is having a teddy bear picnic at school, I can't wait to hear about all about it. He is talking up a storm. This morning he asked me where Gunny's Daddy is? That was a fun question to tackle at 6am. Below are a couple of shots that I have taken over the last week, he is not into getting his picture taken lately. I think he is getting tired of me always taking his picture. If only he wasn't so cute!

Monday, November 2, 2009

Tractor Fun!

Just a couple video's of Griffin on his tractor, he has the steering down. (for the most part) He gets more daring every day! He does seem to be more interested in what is going on around him and forget to look in front of him at times but still very good. He now likes us to take out the lawn mower so he has someone to ride with. He will play follow the leader or chase. He gets so silly with it. Yesterday Griffin and I went on the lawn mower, he sat on my lap and I let him steer. Brought me back to the days I used to ride on my Pop's lap. He was so excited.

Pumpkin Land

Saturday Afternoon we went to Pumpkin Land with Sandra and Joe. The boys had a great time, there were so many thing to do and see. The petting zoo was a big hit, especially when Griffin found they had a John Deere Gator Tractor just like his! We took a tractor ride down to the pumpkin patch and picked out a pumpkin. There were pig races every half hour, so we were able to see one of those. The boys especially liked the water pump! They took turns, they could've played there all day!
A great day!

Happy Halloween!

Here are a few pictures from Griffin's Halloween Party at school and Halloween Night.
It was in the low 70's so we didn't have to bundle up like in years past! It did start to rain so we didn't hit all the houses on our route but Griffin didn't know the difference.