Friday, June 27, 2008

Beau and Luke

Wyatt and Griffin got together for a playdate last night.
Wyatt is 5 months now and what a cutie. Those blue eyes. He just got his first hair cut, it makes him look so much older. Griffin wasn't into sharing. But they did have fun together.
Griffin didn't want to share his juice.
Cool guy in the shades.

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Christening and More

What a weekend!
Griffin started to come down with something on Thursday so by Saturday it was full blown, of course. Andrew made a quick trip to the Dr's office 2 hours before the christening. Griffin wasn't the happiest boy he just wanted his mommy. Luckily I had my family and Christine to help prepare. The rain came and a few of the guests left, but the troopers stayed. There were some intense horseshoes played; Uncle Paul was the shooter of the day. We also played a hard core game of volleyball. Henry was a crucial player on the winning team. Sunday we had breakfast with our out of town guests before there long drive home. I am so glad that my family was able to share in Griffin's special day with us.
It was a great weekend.
Godparents David and Chrisine

Loving his Daddy!
Hanging with Unkie

Here he comes!

Wednesday, June 18, 2008


This week Griffin's daycare is on vacation, so my mom is spoiling him, I mean watching him.

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

8 1/2 months old

Tennis anyone?
Not the best picture.
He would rather play with the hat than wear it.

Friday, June 6, 2008

Pasta Boy

Trying something new.
Tiny Pasta.........Let's just say we decided
we would reintroduce in another month or two.

He wasn't a big fan and he kind of choked on them.
I love the face he makes.

Growing Up Fast

Looking more like his daddy everyday.
If you look real close you can see his 2 teeth.

He really likes to stand up.