We had a minor setback with Griffin's potty training, he stopped pooping on the potty?!?! So we have put together a treasure chest full of fun toys and what do you know, he started pooping on the potty again. We told him everytime he went poop on the potty he could pick something out of the treasure chest. I am really not one for bribing but it happened. So he has been rewarded with bubbles and last night it was silly string. Which he though was so much fun! Other than that he is pretty settled into his new room. He has been getting up in the middle of the night and asking to come into our bed, so we have let him. He is a snuggler. He was crying hysterically at 4:30 this morning so in bed he came. But he loves to snuggle in between us. I think it might've been a bad dream or something. This is his second week in his new room so I am sure it is just part of the adjustment.
Baby Gus, we went for an ultrasound today and she is still very active. Everything checked out ok with the 5th's disease so that is great news. The technician was able to save the ultrasound and not tape over the last one so that was nice. I did take a little clip of the 3d part so you can see her little face. The video does get a little jumpy only b/c she moves so much. But you can see her face is filling out a little. I had a dr's appt yesterday and my belly measured 24 1/2 which the Dr said was good! Griffin and I were doing something in his old room the other day and he told me that we should give his room to the garbage man b/c he is done with it! (too cute) Then I said maybe we can give it to Baby Gus and his reply was no, she is going to stay in my room with me! So I told him that I thought she should have her own room, because babies cry a lot. We are hoping to start turning the room back into a nursery in June sometime. So hopefully that will be an ok transition too!