Where to start.... let's see....We decided to take our house off the market. The housing market up here is very low and we would have to sell it for what we paid if not a little less. So we told our realtor to let us know when things turn around. A little dissappointing but nothing you can do right?!? Griffin~ he is doing great, they have decided to move him up to the next classroom, which are ages 3-4. He knows most of the kids in that class and has been doing half days in there for about a month. We are very excited, to have him with some older kids. He does so well keeping up. He is really into learning songs lately. This week it was the Farmer in the Dell and Old MacDonald. We are also working on potty training. He went all day yesterday in his big boy undies with no accidents. He only wore a diaper at nap and bedtime. He isn't the best about telling you when he has to go, but if you ask him he usually says yes and does go. So we are still working out the details. He is such a silly boy who loves to have fun and do goofy things.
Baby Gus~ a couple wks back Griffin contracted something called Fifth's disease, which is real minor in children, he actually picked it up at school. It is basically a rash that starts on the face and then spreads to the body, and lasts about 4 wks. We are towards the end. Well the downfall is that you are contagious the week before the rash appears so there are no warning signs. Once you contract 5th's you are immune forever. Well I apparently have never had it and being pregnant, it can cause complications to the little munchkin. So I had a blood test and sure enough, I got it. So now I have to go for weekly ultrasounds at a special place for high risk pregnancies. The chances are good that nothing will come of it but they have to closely monitor our little angel. I told Andrew that it was typical for a girl to be causing trouble before she even arrives. It is nice to see her cute little face though. Last week was my first one, she weighs 1 1/2 pds and has the sweetest little face. She looks a lot like Griffin. We are able to have each session recorded on a DVD, so we will have quite a few movies before she is born. She is a little kickboxer who likes to move around a lot during the ultrasounds.
We haven't made any progress in the name department. We are warming to the name Baby Gus and why not Griffin sure likes it!

Props go out to my 83 year old grandfather, who just started his 11th season of senior softball. Below is a little video of opening day for his team the Orioles. My grandfather has spent many long hours helping me with my game. He was never too busy to take time for his granddaughter, and he had a lot of patience. I am hoping to get back to town to see one of his games. He never missed one of mine. I LOVE YOU POP! Best of luck this season.
Here is a link to the article
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