Monday, June 28, 2010

Fly Swatter!

Griffin's school decorates a bulletin board and incorporates the month's theme and pictures of the kids. In June they learned about bugs and inscects. They sent this home with him today. I thought it was just too cute not to share!

Sunday, June 27, 2010


Went for my 9th Ultrasound on Thursday!! Baby Gus is approx 4 lbs 5oz. which puts her in the 68% for her age/size. I am excited to have our 10th ultrasound this week, but sad that I won't be able to see changing each week. She was suckling during the last ultrasound it was very sweet. My due date was 2 months from Saturday! Right around the corner. (wishful thinking) Saturday we went to a kids karnival at Griffin's school. They had a 10ft volcano that shot out candy!! Needless to say Griffin enjoyed himself. The weather wasn't the best so we didn't get out on the lake... that and the boat broke. Hopefully Andrew will finish it up tomorrow night! Then we get to launch it again! I have to say I am getting pretty good at towing that huge trailer. Here are a couple pics from our trip to the playground with my friend Claire on friday night. It was great, she did all the swings and slides with Griffin, I was able to watch!
Griffin and I are leaving for CT on Wednesday!! I can't wait, it has been way to long since I have spent a 4th of July with my family. I will finally get to meet some of my cousins who have been born over the past few years. Griffin will have a ton of kids to play with. Can't wait.

Monday, June 21, 2010

What a Weekend!

Well the weather couldn't of been better this past weekend. I took a 1/2 day on Friday and we hit the lake after my ultrasound. Baby Gus is doing great! Two more ultrasounds left and we will be done! Griffin was able to try out his battery powered jet ski. He loved it.. which surprised me b/c he has been pretty apprehensive with the real jet ski and boat. He doesn't quite have the confidence that he had last year. I think it is the noise of the engines. But we have gotten him out in both the boat and on the jet ski and he did great. He does ask Daddy to slow down sometimes but that is fine. I have attached a video and some pictures of the weekend. Saturday we went out in the boat again and Sunday we went to the Seadogs game with Andrew's parents. It was a great Father's Day nice and relaxing. Hope everyone else had a great weekend as well!

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Bye Bye Curls!

Here is a picture of Griffin with his new haircut. He is doing great! His new Big Boy Bed is arriving tonight, we bought all sorts of fun sheets last night. So with any luck he will love it and stay in his room all night tonight! I definitely could use a night of uninterupted sleep!

Monday, June 14, 2010

29 Week Check Up

Our visit to Ct was great. Griffin had a blast playing with all his cousins and family. He told me on Sunday that he didn't want to go home that he wanted to stay. Kenzie looked beautiful in her prom gown. I will add some pictures shortly. Griffin is doing great on his bike, we actually raised his seat. So he might've had a growth spurt over the past weeks. He is doing well on the potty, mostly dry in the mornings but we are still using a diaper at night just to be safe. He has been talking about all the things he is going to do with Baby Gus~ Take her on a scooter ride, eat sherbert with her, all sorts of silly things.
Baby Gus- we had visit number 7 last week, still looking good! She is approx 3 lbs and 1 oz which would put her in the 60% for her age/size. I was shocked that she had grown so much, but when Andrew and I watched the ultrasound afterwards it is her head that is large, the rest of her is proportionate. She is face down, head down so they were unable to get any pictures of her face. The same thing happened with Griffin, he kind of got in a certain position towards the end and never really moved. She is still kicking and moving around a lot just not repositioning herself. I guess she is being shy!

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Third Trimester Here We Come!

Things have been going well with the ultrasounds! Baby Gus was at 2.4 lbs last week. She is in the 51% for age/size. Her head is a little bigger than normal, guess I won't be catching a break there! I am doing good, have gained 16 lbs so far. People that see me either say that I have popped or that I am hardly showing so it goes either way I guess. I head home to Ct this weekend to see my family so we will see what they have to say!
Griffin is doing great, we have pushed his bedtime a little later so that he can play outside for a bit when he gets home. He really likes that. Potty training is still going strong along with the treasure chest. He is talking all the time I love some of the conversations we have.
We spent most of the weekend at the lake over the holiday. He was able to ride his bike with Ashley, the neighbor who is 5. He had a blast, said it was the best part of the weekend. We tried to get Griffin out on the jet ski but he said that he didn't have time! So maybe next weekend.