Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Third Trimester Here We Come!

Things have been going well with the ultrasounds! Baby Gus was at 2.4 lbs last week. She is in the 51% for age/size. Her head is a little bigger than normal, guess I won't be catching a break there! I am doing good, have gained 16 lbs so far. People that see me either say that I have popped or that I am hardly showing so it goes either way I guess. I head home to Ct this weekend to see my family so we will see what they have to say!
Griffin is doing great, we have pushed his bedtime a little later so that he can play outside for a bit when he gets home. He really likes that. Potty training is still going strong along with the treasure chest. He is talking all the time I love some of the conversations we have.
We spent most of the weekend at the lake over the holiday. He was able to ride his bike with Ashley, the neighbor who is 5. He had a blast, said it was the best part of the weekend. We tried to get Griffin out on the jet ski but he said that he didn't have time! So maybe next weekend.

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