Things have been busy in the Spires Household..... Andrew's parents have decided to tear down their house on the lake and rebuild it. So they will be staying with us until it is finished. Griffin is in his glory to have his Poppa around to play with after school. It is nice to have the help with the kids..
Nora is walking all the time, a little wobbly when she is tired, which is often since she has been skipping her afternoon naps!! She has an unbelievable appetite, she eats most anything and a lot of it! We just weighed her last night and she is just shy of 20 lbs. Then we weighed Griffin who weighed only 9 lbs 6 ozs more than Nora. She does usually eat double what Griffin eats.
I have been having trouble posting text in addition to the pictures and videos and just havent' had time to look into it. We didn't get hit that bad from the storm this past weekend. We did lose power for about 12 hours, but were able to try out the new generator! Man it was nice to have heat.
Griffin is doing well, he is getting a little fresher in his 4's but we are working on it. He is just stretching his wings a little bit. He was excited about the snow that we just got. He said this morning that he doesn't want it to go away.