Monday, May 16, 2011

Skateboard Dude

Griffin was trying some tricks on his skatebaord last week. He might be small but he does have some coordination. He's not quite ready for the half pipe but in time I am sure. Nora had a lot of fun watching her brother act silly. She was having some fun with her "Daddy". Which is her latest word!

Monday, May 9, 2011

Pretty Girl

Nora has a mirror at daycare that she absolutely loves.

She just talks to herself the whole time.

It is really cute.

Here's a little video of Nora.. I was counting for Griffin to put his shirt on and she just started laughing. It was so cute that I had to video it. I wasn't tickling her just counting. She has such a great laugh.

Monday, May 2, 2011


Just some pics from the Autism walk we did recently. It was a beautiful day.