Wednesday, October 6, 2010

September at a Glance

I know, I know you have all been dying for an well it has taken me quite some time... alright more than a month but I am FINALLY updating the blog... I definitely don't have a lot of pictures of Nora, but she is the second child so I think it is a given right?

Here are some pictures of us from September, which was a busy month. We went mini golfing, race car driving ( you might have to look close Griffin is pretty easy to miss in the pics) boating, and to a couple birthday parties. Just to name a few things. But we are all doing well. Griffin has brought home another cold so we are trying to fight that. Nora is a great baby, she sleeps thru the night 6+ hours, which is a HUGE relief. Griffin has been testing us but from what I hear it is more of a 3 yr old thing rather than a "I have a new sister" thing. We are trying patiently not to trade him in just yet, but the whining is just relentless.

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