When will this torture end? We have made it to 39 weeks today so I officially have 7 days until my due date.... I was hoping to be holding the little monster by now. I am just hoping that she doesn't make me wait a week after her due date like her brother did. I went to the Dr last week and they did an ultrasound b/c my belly is measuring small (33cm) so they estimated that she is about 6lbs 11 oz, but they assured me that they can be off as much as 8 oz in either direction. I went again on Monday and I am still only 1 cm dialated. I have to tell you that I have been trying my best to kick start this baby into making her grand entrance but she seems content where she is! We go back for another ultrasound on Monday and then we will see what the Dr has to say.... Hopefully inducing me will be an option! I won't hold my breath though.
And no we still do not have a name

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