So with Griffin being in his big boy bed these days, it is anyone's guess where you might find him after he falls asleep. He is usually in his bed it is a toss up as to what end and in what position though. There have been times when I thought he was sleeping but he was playing in the corner. Last night I went in and his bed was empty, but his blankets were piled up so I patted them down thinking he was under them but no such luck. I looked all around his room and behind his door and then I saw them, two little feet sticking out of from under his train table. I couldn't believe it. I had to take a picture and call Andrew in so he could see it for himself. We tried to pull him out without waking him but didn't have any luck. I told Andrew that next we will find him in his closet.
Well it has been a busy July. My ultrasounds are over and everything is good. I go to the Dr tomorrow for my 34 week check up! I am feeling good, some days my ankles are more swollen than others, but overall doing well. The heat has kept the air conditioner in the house on especially at night so Andrew has been wearing extra layers, but he will survive. Only 6 more weeks and it will be all worth it! Griffin and I spent the 4th in CT with my family for a few days. It was a busy trip, they all are though. We went to the Pool Club with my sister and met up with cousin, Beth. She is studying Early Childhood Education so she right at home with Griffin. They played together for a long time. Then we went to the circus with Cindy and Maddie. Griffin had so much fun. He enjoyed everything. Some of his favorites were the dirtbikes, quads and motorcycles. Especially when there were 3 dirtbikers riding around in a metal cage. I don't think he blinked for 10 minutes! The last attraction was shooting a man out of a cannon. He just couldn't believe that! Friday Griffin spent the afternoon and evening with my Aunt and Uncle and their family and I went to see Cirque Du Soleil Ovo with my Aunt, Uncle, Mom and cousins. I have never been before, it was amazing! I have never seen anything like it before. Saturday we spent a relaxing day by the pool with my family. Griffin hasn't really been around a pool too much, it was a lot different from the lake, but he enjoyed himself. Sunday was my big family picnic, the day flew by, but it was great to catch up and see cousins that I haven't seen in years. My nieces came back to Maine with us, we left on the 4th and surprisingly didn't hit any traffic. They were a big help all week, they moved the rest of Griffin's stuff into his new room and painted the nursery and set it up for the baby. We aren't any closer with a name, but I figure she doesn't really need a name until she starts Kindergarten. So we still have a ton of time. It was a hot week up here, so we took the girls to the lake after work and they enjoyed the jet ski and swimming. Andrew's dad gave Kenzie the ok to take the jet ski out on her own so she was in heaven. They do love when Andrew takes them for rides b/c he does all the crazy tricks. It is a lot of fun. I have been out a couple times but will hold off on the tricks until the baby comes. My sister came up to pick up the girls last Friday so we spent the day on the lake, relaxing, it was nice. Things have been quiet this week, we have just been settling into our usual routine. Griffin is getting more excited for Gus to come he talks about her all the time. He told me the other day that he misses her and can't wait to see her. Andrew did tell him that she will cry a lot, just so he is prepared. I think Griffin thinks that she is going to just be another playmate, so we have been trying to break the reality to him easily. Hope you enjoy some of the pictures and videos from July so far.