December sure flew by and as always I am a slacker at updating the blog. Life has been so busy lately. The first few weeks were gone before I knew it. For those of you that don't know we have been renovating the kitchen.( I will post pictures soon) But we replaced, the floor, cabinets and countertops, everything except the appliances. We even went as far as to cut the wall in between the living room and kitchen in half. It really opens the rooms up. Andrew did most of the work, he started over Thanksgiving and then we had to wait for the countertop. His cousin, Jaime helped hang the cabinets, knocked out the wall and hung all the trim. It looks completely different. But living with renovations and a 2 yr old are not a good combo. But thankfully we are finished! We just have some more painting to do and everything will be perfect.
But in December we had a real fun play date with Alyssa, Griffin loved her dress up heels, he wouldn't take them off. They did really good sharing. Griffin had a lot of fun decorating the tree, he hung the majority of the ornaments and liked to comment on which ones were his favorites. We even hung some lights in his bedroom. We were finally ready for Santa to come!

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