Monday, May 18, 2009

Unexpected Visitor

I came home early from work on Thursday and opened the garage door and out came this furry animal. At first I thought it was the neighbors cat but then realized it was a raccoon. It was limping and walking all wobbly like it was drunk. I happened to be on the phone with my sister and she suggested it might be rabid. So I called Animal Control, who works part time, so they called the police. In the meantime I watched it take a few steps and then roll over on it's back and rest then get up and take a few more. I had no idea what the hell it was doing. I just didn't want to get too close b/c I was afraid it would snap out of it's dazed and confused stage and attack me. The police came and Andrew went out and looked for it with the officer. It had a fractured front leg it was dying b/c it had lost so much blood. It has moved on to a more peaceful place.

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