Sunday, March 29, 2009

Grandma & Unkie Visit!

Griffin was given a clean bill of health from his dr on friday. However they would like us to consult a dietician/nutritionist because he is not gaining enough weight. Andrew and I feel that it is because he has had 2 colds this season which has curbed his appetite. He is such an active little guy that it is no wonder that he isn't gaining enough. This was our first visit to our new pediatrician too so we think that he is just covering all the bases. We have a weight check in 3 months and we will do our best to fatten up the little guy!
Andrew had a tradeshow for work Friday and Saturday so my Uncle Paul and mother came to visit and keep us company. We had a great visit. Grandma bought Griffin his new trike, he is in heaven. He even likes wearing his helmet!! Saturday Afternoon Andrew's cousin Jaime and his daughters came to visit, we went outside to blow bubbles with the dogs. Finally a warm day! It rained a lot today, with any luck it will melt whats left of the snow.

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