The saga goes on. The little guy is still not a big fan of the bottle. But we are making progress he will now take it without screaming (most of the time) He takes anywhere from 1-3 oz. before he has had enough. I am going back to work on Dec 31st so we will see how he does at daycare. The first week it is only half days. He is such a cutie I am going to be lost without him.
He is sleeping a little better. He nods off during the day but still for only 20-30 minutes.
He now weighs 12 lbs 9 oz. and is growing like a weed. We have packed away all his 0-3 clothes (maybe for the next one) and he is now in his 3-6. He loves his hands and you rarely find him without them in his mouth.

These are two pictures from the many times we tried to take a picture for his Christmas card.

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