Sunday, September 16, 2007

Nothing Yet....

Well it is officially my due date today and there is no sign of the little man.
My only question is how much longer can this torture go on for?
We have been trying to coax him out but he just doesn't seem interested. We went for a bumpy ride on our friends 4 wheeler. We've walked around numerous stores hoping that would start something. We tried the whole rubbing your ankles and hands. I even had Taco Bell which the baby has always hated. But nothing. Well the night isn't over yet so we will see. Thank you for all your phone calls and emails.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Michelle & Andrew~
I've been thinking about you and waiting very patiently for the news!!! I'm sure you're getting plenty of advice, but just keep doing what you're doing, he will come out when he's good & ready. These will be the last days of "coupledom" so enjoy as much as you can while you wobble around :)
Take care and we'll be talking to you.
xoxo Jeanne Hogan