Well as most of you have heard I was put on bed rest in the beginning of August due to some bleeding (which was caused by the placenta lifting away from the wall of the uterus) that I had when I was in CT for my cousin's bridal shower. Both baby and I are fine. But they are closely monitoring the baby. We have had 3 ultrasounds and a fetal stress test, all of which went well. Today was our latest ultrasound and the Dr said that the baby is at approximately 6.1 lbs and could possibly be born within the next week and a half to two weeks. So that was surprising news. So I guess I will be packing my bag for the hospital instead of just talking about it. Baby has dropped and is in position. Head is down, back and butt are on the right side with the feet on the left. It has maintained this position for about the past 4 weeks. The sonographer told us that the baby doesn't have much more room in there. And for anyone who has seen me it goes without saying that I am all belly. But the baby is still very active.
Some friends came over tonight and brought me dinner and helped me to organize the baby's stuff. That was a big help as I was a little overwhelmed and didn't know where to start. We are still clearing out the office to turn it into the nursery. Hopefully it will be completed by this weekend.
Andrew has been a great help and has really taken over the reigns as I really can't do anything. I wasn't waiting until the last minute but was planning to spread things out over the last 2 months so I would keep busy until the baby was born. Never expecting to be spending most of the day on the couch or hanging out on the bed for a change of scenery.
Christine is coming up on Sunday for a few days and will be a big help in putting the nursery together, she has great decorating style and will definitely be an asset to have around.
Surprise, surprise we still can't agree on a name!
I will have Andrew take some pictures and will post them soon.