Tuesday, July 24, 2007

32 Week Check

Had my 32 week check today. My Belly measurement was 30 cm, weight gain 16 lbs. The head is on the right side headed south and the back end is up near my ribs on the left side. So the baby is pretty much taking advantage of all the room it can get. For Now!! The baby turns into "Thumper" at night when it rubs its feet on my left side. Which totally freaks Andrew out.
I have another check in 2 weeks. All in all the Dr said that things are going well and I should be happy. Now that we know the sex we are trying our hardest to come up with a name for the little bugger. We now have a list at least. But nothing that is in the top ranking position just yet. We are still open to suggestions so email them along.

Wednesday, July 18, 2007


Just got back from the ultrasound. We saw the usual hands, feet and face. It is quite the looker. The baby is approx 3lbs 15oz. The heartbeat was 133beats per minute. They also checked the size of the head, belly, amniotic fluid sack and placenta. It is right in line as far as development with how far along I am. They might schedule another ultrasound in a month or so to check on it again. The baby is just small but very healthy. It was sleeping during the ultrasound so it’s movement was limited but still moving to get comfy. It was sucking at one point which was adorable. We did as the sex but are not sharing it. Sorry. Only 60 days until the due date.

That is it for now.

Sunday, July 15, 2007

31 Weeks

Here is the latest picture. The belly measures 9 1/2 inches from back to front. Still feeling good. Dr's appt on Wednesday will update you then.

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

9 Weeks and 4 Days but Who's Counting!

Had my 30 week check up today. Belly measurement is 29cm. Weight gain is 14lbs.
The fun has begun as I am suffering from Acid Reflux, so I am living on Pepcid AC. We will see if the baby has lots of hair as the old wives tale states.
The baby is still an active little monkey, which has become my nickname for it from time to time. As for names we are still working on them. Andrew's father has really been a help suggesting names everytime we see him. Nothing that has a ring to it yet.
Will take some pictures this weekend and post soon.

Monday, July 2, 2007

Nora comes to Visit

Finally my mom came for a visit. Even though it was a short one it was great to spend time with her. We went to the beach for the afternoon on Saturday. The weather wasn't the best but it was nice to feel the sun the few times it came out. By the way, the "Big Mama Suit" was a big hit with Nora.
Sunday we went to Babies R Us for a look at what we would need for the little monster, that was a little overwhelming for me. Luckily, I had Nora there to help me decide. She must have said "Things are so different from when you were a baby" about 10 times. I did have to call Christine in for backup for a few items. Thank god for friends who have been down the road before.
I do have to say that it was extremely difficult to pick out things when your color choices are green, yellow, pink and blue. For those items I chose to wait until we know for sure. I vote to bring back the white with animal prints. Thankfully, Karen and Christine are giving us some items so we won't be needing to much.
Nora did enjoy some quality time reading to the baby as she rubbed my tummy. It was very sweet.
She was not willing to take a guess as to the sex though.

28 Week Check Up

Belly measurement 27cms. Total weight gain 10lbs. Baby weighs approx 3 lbs. Dr said that he is very pleased with my pregnancy and that things are going smoothly. Let's hope it is like this through the delivery. I did have my first episode of Braxton Hicks on Tuesday Night. The doctor said to expect many more episodes. (can't wait) It was most likely from the busy week trying to get the bathroom back in order. We had some renovations done and it needed to be primed and repainted. Andrew was great he rubbed my back and shoulders. Let's hope he keeps it up. Next appointment is in 2 weeks.